Offroadin' API Update

Dear Valued Offroadin' Users,

We would like to inform you about a recent enhancement that has been implemented in the Offroadin' API, directly impacting the functionality of the Offroadin' App.

Previously, upon user login, an authentication token was generated with a limited lifespan of 7 days. Subsequently, users would find themselves unauthenticated after this period, leading to an inability to access various API features within the app.

In our latest API upgrade, we are pleased to announce that we have extended the expiration period of the authentication token to 31 days, providing users with a significantly prolonged session duration. It is essential to note that this update has been executed with meticulous attention to security, ensuring the continued protection of your data through robust encryption measures.

Rest assured, this modification does not expose any security vulnerabilities, and our commitment to safeguarding your information remains steadfast. We prioritize the privacy and security of your data, and our systems are fortified against unauthorized access.

We would like to emphasize that no further action is required on your part at this time. Your continued trust in Offroadin' is of paramount importance to us, and we appreciate your understanding as we strive to enhance the overall user experience.

Thank you for being part of the Offroadin' community.

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